You don't have to wait for me to ask for an interview!  If you'd like to be featured simply answer the following questions and email me 15-20 images (by dropbox if possible!)

Interview with XXXX
1. Will you start by telling us where you work and live and the type of photography you do?
2. What inspires you as a photographer?
3. How long have been a photographer?
4. When you’re not photographing, where can we find you? 

5. Any books that inspired you {or helped you} in your business?
6. Best marketing idea?  

7. Worst marketing idea? 

8. Do you have a studio and if not do you feel having a studio would help your business grow?

9. What do you think makes a photographer successful?
10. What’s your weakness in this business?
11. Are you a Nikon or Canon? and which model?
12. and Lens? 
13. If you weren’t a photographer, what would you be?
14. Can you give the readers your best piece of advice for starting or running a photography business.
15. Tell us your proudest moment of your career?
Here is where you can find

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