Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Interview with Carey Sheffield Hoi Polloi Events

1.Will you start by telling us where you work and live and the type of photography you do?

I live in Windlesham, Surrey and am a portrait, wedding photographer but also have a commercial client base and sell fine art pieces

2.What inspires you as a photographer?

People, Places, Emotions and beautiful things, this is gonna sound a bit cheesy but I’ll admit I see everything as an image, and I snap it in my head if my cameras not in my hand!

3.How long have been a photographer?

I have been a working professional for about 5 years.

4.When you’re not photographing, where can we find you?

On the school run!  Walking my dog…or in a Starbucks

5.Any books that inspired you {or helped you} in your business?

Annabel Williams – 99 portrait Ideas (For beginners)
4inchs  – Great Inspiration for my boudoir looks
But I have learnt most from magazines: Professional Photographer, Practical Photography, PhotoPro, my house is full of them.

6.Best marketing idea? 

Do a great job and look after your client, they are gonna talk about you, make sure they say something nice.  FB and Twitter have also been great.

7.Worst marketing idea?

Local Press, unless its free PR, its good to see yourself in print but for me its not a cost effective method of marketing when you are small or just starting out

8.Do you have a studio and if not do you feel having a studio would help your business grow?

I am fortunate to have a studio at my home, it is custom made and lovely and at the end of the garden! Its been funded entirely from profits of my work.  I don’t use it everyday as I shoot on location a lot but its good to know its there if I need it.  I definitely wouldn’t be without it.

9.What do you think makes a photographer successful?

You need to be a great photographer but also have good communication, sales & marketing skills.  I have worked in sales & advertising and was a florist for a few years, so I was always creative but my sales & marketing experience has helped me drive the business.
Patience is a must and an ability to put people at ease and make them feel good also.
Get good training a good camera is nothing without a well trained operator…

10.What’s your weakness in this business?

Selling my products…I know I am going to give my clients great photos but find it hard to sell them expensive products, I want them to have everything they want and I give them too long to think about it…I need to toughen up.

11.Are you a Nikon or Canon?

Nikon…I know nothing about Canon..completely different language, I didn’t get to choose, my husband bought my first camera

12.and Lens?

All Nikon – 85mm Prime plus 24-70mm 70-200mm, these are my job essentials, plus a 80-400 for sports, wideangle and a macro lens for my arty closeups.

13.If you weren’t a photographer, what would you be?

I have been many things, lifes been good and full…but probably a novelist or in my dreams an actress.

14.Can you give the readers your best piece of advice for starting or running a photography business.

Get well informed, invest in good training and revisit this annually.  There are many great schools out there offering
One, two day courses and longer.
I initially started by doing a one night a week photography course, at Reading college.  Training should never stop, you need to keep fresh, photography fashion changes too.

Photoshop skills are a must, I studied Photoshop for Photographers in London for a year, you may not use everything but you need to know it.

Make friends with other photographers, nice ones like me will share info!  I joined the SWPP straight away, it’s a good organization to get you started until you grow.

15. Tell us your proudest moment of your career?

My first magazine front cover…it was a trade mag but great nonetheless, seeing my images used in editorial always rocks my boat!

Here is where you can find Carey Sheffield…

Twitter: @HoiPolloiEvents 
Facebook: Carey Sheffield Photography
Website: www.hoipolloievents.co.uk
Blog: http://web.me.com/careysheffield

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