Tuesday 19 October 2010

Interview with Samantha Pommells - Photographer Spotlight

This weeks photographer in the spotlight is Samantha Pommells of Tiaras & Teddy Bears Photography

Will you start by telling us where you work and live and the type of photography you do?
I live near Dudley in the West Midlands & work mainly in the surrounding areas although I do assist a wedding photographer in Oxford occasionally too.

What inspires you as a photographer?
People are what really inspire me, especially children; they are so innocent & natural. I’m a terrible people watcher, it drives my Husband mad. I will never be a landscape photographer, there are some beautiful images but it just doesn’t move me as much as capturing someone’s personality in a picture.

How long have been a photographer?

I’ve been interested in photography since I was a child, I used to very often get told off for using a whole roll of film on the cat!  My Grandad was a keen photographer & gave me an old Praktica film camera when I was about 12 then when I was at school I was lucky enough that my school offered GCSE Photography which was quite unusual back then, it was invaluable to me as I learnt all the basics you just don’t come across now that everything is digital. 

 When you’re not photographing, where can we find you?
Well I have 3 children so I’m pretty busy but I’m also the lead singer in a function band so when if my camera isn’t my hand there’s usually a microphone instead!

Any books that inspired you {or helped you} in your business?
I must admit I don’t really read many photography books, I prefer to attend workshops & learn from other people. I just find I learn better that way.

Best marketing idea? 
Well I’m still experimenting to find that one but so far Facebook has been the best tool for spreading the word.

Worst marketing idea?
My business is still in the very early stages so I haven’t had any really bad ideas.....YET!

Do you have a studio and if not do you feel having a studio would help your business grow?

I haven’t got a studio & for now I don’t feel I need one as I’m still building a client base. I prefer to be on location anyway as I prefer my images to natural. I would like a studio in the future though, just to be able to expand my product range & have some where to work when the good old British weather rears its head.
What do you think makes a photographer successful?
Well obviously a good eye & being good at what you do comes high up there but I also think you have to be a people person. Being able to put people at ease & gain the trust of their children is so important & I don’t think you could be a successful photographer if you can’t talk to people. 

What’s your weakness in this business?
I’m too nice lol!!! I am forever doing free or really cheap photo shoots for people. I find it really difficult to make money out of people I know so when Mum’s from the school or friends of friends ask I always end up giving them a freebie. I really need to stop it!!

Are you a Nikon or Canon?
Canon 5d

And Lens?
My favourite is my 50mm f1.8. I’m currently saving for the Canon 24-70mm L lens because of the flexibility for when I assist at weddings but for my portraits it’s primes all the way.

If you weren’t a photographer, what would you be?
I would concentrate more on my singing. I’m so busy at the moment with having 3 kids that I’ve really had to choose between getting more singing work or photography work & I decided on photography.

Can you give the readers your best piece of advice for starting or running a photography business?
Be prepared to have to work extremely hard at marketing for very little return. There is so much competition now that DSLRs have become more accessible to people. But if you really want to, you can do it, go for it & believe in yourself.

Tell us your proudest moment of your career?
The first newborn photo shoot I did...I made them a little DVD slideshow of the images & they burst into tears (with happiness) when they watched it. They were so pleased with the pictures.
Here is where you can find Tiaras & Teddy Bears Photography

Thanks Sam, it was a pleasure

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