Friday 3 December 2010

All I want for Christmas - My Top 10 Photography related gifts

  1. The lens cup - Ok so this is super cheesy, but I always think Christmas presents should be fun and a little bit frivalous!  Christmas isnt a time for functional....

Buy the The Camera Lens Mug at the Photojojo Store!#

2. A Kelly Moore Bag

3. A new lense...

4. I take photos of everyone and anything that stays still long enough, but I'm never in any of the photos.  For Christmas I'd like some good photos of myself!

5. Training - I'd love to do some Training with Aspire

6.  A subscription to Professional Photographer Magazine  - I love this magazine!

7.  Lens baby - I have seen some really great examples of photographers using a lensbaby (and some not so good...).  Its one of those things that i doubt I would use for my clients but might be fun!

8.  MCP Actions - I love MCP actions.  I use quite afew of their actions but would really like the whole collection.

9.  I'd really like a cool camera strap

10.  and finally I'd like a holiday... to Vietnam on a motorbike.  I want to take photos but Andrew isnt really into he'd get to ride a motorbike! (Ok so no other photographers might be interested in this one, but its been a really long time since I've been on holiday!)

I'd love to hear what you want for christmas...please leave a comment!


  1. Okay.......i will sort one of your presents and offer to photograph you
    This is such a good list!
    Jo x

  2. Ahhh Jo - That would be amazing! I better start my new year diet early ;)

  3. Yes, all of these! Except make mine a trip to America. :)
